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The joys of being an Artist in Surrey!

Be sure to scroll to end for exciting news......

I am extremely lucky to live where I do and to connect with my community through the wonderful Haslemere Art Society Yesterday a group of us went painting en plein air which the Artists' Network describes:

Plein air painting is about leaving the four walls of your studio behind and experiencing painting and drawing in the landscape.

It was a lovely dry day but a little grey so we were really trying to work quickly whilst capturing the sunlight that sometimes broke through the clouds. Was amazing to be amongst Art Royalty Roger Dellar ROI PS RI and Sarah Manolescue AROI who gave some great tips and shared their paintings on the day (and their frustrations! Yes they experienced them too which was a relief to hear) with the rest of us.

We were meant to paint at Frensham Ponds but there was a fire so we relocated to Grayswood Village Hall and here are my own images and paintings from yesterday...

Pub and Cottage on the Grayswood Green

Willow and Hawthorn

What fun we had and I look forward to future 'paint outs'!

Surrey Artist Open Studios!


I am delighted to invite you to our PRIVATE VIEW for Surrey Artist Open Studios with Rachel Redfern who has generously offered to share her studio space with me. The fabulous Copper and Peel will be serving a creative gin so come and browse some art, have a nibble and drink or two and celebrate the joy art can bring.

As part of Open Studios both Rachel and I will be donating 10% of proceeds to heh_mind. There will also be a studio sale as part of clearing the decks for new artwork. First come first served but bargains to be had ❤️

Mention the word SUNSHINE and you will receive 10% off non sale items.

If you'd like to join us for the Private View please email myself or Rachel-details below.

Sending love,

Olga xx

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